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Who is Jelly Nonprofit Consulting?

Jelly Nonprofit Consulting (the assumed name of Osornio Torres Industries LLC) is a Texas-based limited liability company and we provide community needs assessment, grant writing, and grant prospecting services. Although based in Texas, Jelly is a modern work environment and all team members work remotely from all across the U.S.


We are a traditional for-profit business that serves 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable nonprofit organizations that are U.S.-based and provide services in the U.S. Jelly's particular focus is on Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) and other organizations that directly provide, or provide access to, the treatment of mental health and substance use disorder services. This aligns with our mission to partner with organizations that remove barriers and increase access to behavioral health services, and improve the quality of life for underserved populations.  


Okay, what exactly is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code refers to “public charities” (also known as charitable nonprofits) that are “corporations, funds, or foundations that operate for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes.” Furthermore, a nonprofit organization does not operate to make a profit and does not have an owner or owners (also referred to as shareholders). More specifically, the one common condition of the IRS for nonprofit organizations is not paying out net profits to any private individual (or shareholders); hence the term, “nonprofit.” Should a nonprofit make a profit, and they should try to have some level of positive revenue, it should be used to build a reserve fund to ensure sustainability.


Is Jelly Nonprofit Consulting a good fit for my organization?

We have developed a screening and consultation process that will help us determine if we are the best firm to help you meet your needs. To qualify for our services, organizations must be 501(c)(3) nonprofits that are in operations, and have essential operating components in place (i.e., structured programs/services, evaluation methodology, governance, and established financial management practices). 


We do not provide services to religious organizations for religious purposes, so programs that promote a specific religion/theology or discriminates against non-believers do not qualify.


What will my consultation be like with Jelly Nonprofit Consulting?

Consultations are up to an hour long. We will ask questions about your organization, and your proposed project and budget. This information will allow us to assess your need, determine if we can serve your organization, and develop a cost estimate. We will take the opportunity to tell you about our organization and our team, and answer any questions that you may have about us.  


What can I expect from Jelly Nonprofit Consulting after my consultation?

The following will take place after the consultation:

  1. Jelly will send a Proposal for Services, via PandaDoc, outlining the deliverables, hours needed to complete the work, and cost estimate. Our goal is to be transparent with our fees for services. To accept the proposal, you must digitally sign it.

  2. After the proposal is signed, our Contract for Services will be sent via PandaDoc for your digital signature. Your signature on the contract is required before we proceed with work for you. 

  3. Once the contract is signed, new clients will undergo a brief Client Onboarding Phase before work begins. 


We only have to pay Jelly Nonprofit Consulting if we are awarded and after receiving the award, right?

The answer is 'no' for a few different reasons.

  • First, grant makers expect for grant award recipients to use grant funds only for the project proposed in the grant application. Most grant makers will not reimburse organizations for grant writing services. 

  • Second, according to the Association of Fundraising Professionals and Grant Professionals Association, paying a commission on grants awarded is unethical and can lead to the revocation of grant awards. It is also in contrast to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for nonprofit fundraising.  

  • Third, Jelly Nonprofit Consulting cannot guarantee that any grant application will be awarded. Our team is committed to developing a high quality, competitive grant application for you. Unfortunately, even with the best effort put forth, a grant application may be denied funding due to numerous variables beyond our control and because of the competitive nature of applying for grant funding. Regardless of whether or not your grant application is selected for funding, we expect to be compensated for the provision of our services.

What if I do not have the budget to pay Jelly Nonprofit Consulting for services?

We are not in the position to donate in-kind services or provide pro-bono work. We expect to be compensated for the provision of our services. If now is not the right time considering your budget, let’s connect again when the time is right. We look forward to partnering with you in the future. In the meantime, we invite you to check out the following pages on our website: Resources and Blog.


Can Jelly Nonprofit Consulting help me start a nonprofit organization?

Jelly Nonprofit Consulting does not specialize in forming a nonprofit corporation but we detail the step-by-step process of forming a nonprofit in Texas here.​ We strongly recommend consulting with an attorney and accountant before forming a nonprofit organization. We are also happy to refer you to a consultant in our network that might offer these services. 


Can Jelly Nonprofit Consulting help my for-profit business secure grant funding?

We do not provide services for traditional for-profit business; our focus is on serving 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. We recommend that you reach out to your regional Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and take advantage of their free business consulting services including information about business financing.


Be warned, grant funding for small businesses is rare and the typical award amounts are typically less than $10,000. Since we hear this question often, we have included some small business grant information on our Resources page. 


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Osornio Torres Industries LLC DBA Jelly Nonprofit Consulting

P.O. Box 63, Christoval, TX 76935


Established in 2017

Texas Historically Underutilized Business Program Certified

Woman Owned Small Business

Latina Owned Small Business

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